G’Day all..
Well my 3 weeks in Aus is up, not that long really but I only came here to fill in the gaps from my last visit – Ullura (Ayres Rock), and Darwin.. and so that’s exactly what I did.
Spent the first couple of days chilling, and catching with someone aussie I met in USA, went to see one of his mates play in a band, and then to see cricket (aus v world x1).. pretty bad cricket really! Left Sydney to head to the little red pebble in the middle of Australia, and en route had one of my worst flying experiences – the turbulence, never happened to me before! Spent the next few days in and around Ayres Rock, The Olgres and Kings Canyon before heading to Alice Springs and a day wondering around West Macdonell Ranges – which are awesome! The day I was leaving Alice to head to Darwin, yet a new flying experience – my flight got cancelled, got put up in a hotel for the night so couldn’t complain too much but it did mean I had one less day in Darwin to see Kakadu National Park (which is bigger than Israel).. so only had 2 days there, wondering around , swimming in some plunge pools – don’t worry, no crocs around. Spent one day doing the same at Litchfield NP too, so all in all a good few days.. even with the unbearable weather in the high 30’s!, Left Darwin and headed to Melbourne, were I was catching up with an ex work colleague, which was really cool as he and his girlfriend kindly let me stay at there place, was nice to get off the backpacker trail for a few days! Went to see Australia v Ireland at International Rules ( a mix between Aussie Rules and Gaelic Football).. Aus won, but they were dirty, and used very rough house tactics! The other highlight in Melbourne has to have been Neighbors Night (wont mean much to the non UK/Ire lot).. on the night we had Dr Carl, Boyd and Cindy to meet and great, and then Dr Carl and his band rocking away.. a good night as my two friends come out to experience it all, and also met up with some dude that I last met in Peru.. small world as they say! Some of you had have a more detailed update of the night, and also seen some pictures.. sorry, not going to make that available to all.Last few days lounging around Sydney, catching with family and friends.. enjoying the weather…
Saturday off to Malaysia, so the next adventure begins.. lets up it can match South America for adventure and experience because USA, NZ and Aus haven’t..